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In 1981, in accordance with the new Higher Education Law (No. 2547), the administration of higher education in Turkey was comprehensively restructured. The system thereby became centralized, with all higher education institutions tied to the Council of Higher Education (Yükseköğretim Kurulu, or YÖK). After this restructuring, all higher education institutions were designed as universities. Expansion of higher education throughout the country was achieved, application to higher education was centralized, and a central university exam and placement were introduced. 


Setting its vision as to be an innovative, guiding, participating and cooperating institution in the fields of science and technology, which serves for improvement of the life standards of our society and sustainable development of our country, TÜBİTAK not only supports innovation, academic and industrial R&D studies but also in line with national priorities develops scientific and technological policies and manages R&D institutes, carrying on research, technology and development studies. Furthermore, TÜBİTAK funds research projects carried out in universities and other public and private organizations, conducts research on strategic areas, develops support programs for public and private sectors, publishes scientific journals, popular science magazines and books, organizes science and society activities and supports undergraduate and graduate students through scholarships.


The Measuring, Selection and Placement Center (OSYM), which was established in 1974 and affiliated to the Higher Education Council in 1981, is primarily concerned with the selection and the placement of students in higher education programmes.

This page updated by Felsefe Bölümü on 27.10.2020 21:22:10